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A Triathlon of Continuation

The triathlon entails three consecutive meetings over the course of six weeks taking place between 17:00 – 18:30 on:



September 1st:

Recommendations of the house:“ Time eludes mathematics and science. One measures an immobile, complete line, whereas time is mobile and incomplete. For the individual time may speed up or slow down, whereas for science, it would remain the same. Inner life of a man is a kind of duration, neither a unity nor a quantitative multiplicity.
Duration is ineffable and can only be shown indirectly through images that can never reveal a complete picture. It can only be grasped through a simple intuition of the imagination.Time and mobility are mistakenly treated as things, not progression. They are treated retrospectively as a things spatial trajectory, which can be divided ad infinitum, whereas they are, in fact, an indivisible whole.
No two moments can be the same, hence duration is heterogeneous (in a conscious being). The truth is we change without ceasing… there is no essential difference between passing from one state to another and persisting in the same state. If the state which “remains the same” is more varied than we think, [then] on the other hand the passing of one state to another resembles – more than we imagine- a single state being prolonged: the transition is continuous. Just because we close our eyes to the unceasing variation of every physical sate, we are obliged when the change has become so formidable as to force itself on our attention, to speak as if a new state were placed alongside the previous one. Of this new state we assume that it remains unvarying in its turn and so on endlessly.
To grasp duration, one must reverse habitual modes of thought and place oneself with duration by intuition. In the duration, there is no juxtaposition of events, therefore there is no mechanistic casuality. It is in the duration that we can speak of the experience of freedom.” Henri Bergson, Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness
“I believe the sole reason we believe in time is because we only ever experience the universe through the medium of a time capsule. My assumptions are:(1) All experience we have in some instant derives from the structure in one Now. (2) For Nows capable of self-awareness (by containing brains, etc.) the probability of being experienced is proportional to their mist* intensity.(3) The Nows at which the mist has a high intensity are time capsules (they will also possess other specific properties.” …In any instant, we are aware of many things at once. Through memories we are, as it were, present simultaneously in many different Nows in Platonia. Richness of the structure permits this. One grand structure contains structures that are ‘pictures’ – simplified representations that capture the essential figures – of other structures. Our memories are pictures of other Nows within this Now, rather like snapshots in an album. Each Now is separate and a world unto itself, but richly structured Nows ‘know’ about one another because they literally contain one another in certain essential respects. As consciousness surveys many things at once in one Now, it is simultaneously present, at least in part, in other Nows. …The picture of ourselves dividing into parallel Nows may be unsettling but the phenomenon itself is familiar. We are used to being in different Nows and being slightly different in all of them – that is simply the effect of time as it is usually conceived. The account of Lucy’s leap emphasized that the differences in ourselves between Now, are far greater than we realize within consciousness. Huge numbers of microscopically different Nows could give identical conscious experience. As we shall see, quantum mechanics forces us to consider Nows everywhere, not just those on one path. It unsettles by division, seeming to threaten dissolution and personal integrity.” Julian Barbour, End of Time Next Revolution in Physics, Oxford University Press, 1999, p: 51, 56,57
* For further understanding of mist, please consult Platonia of Julian Barbour.


“Each meeting differs in kind while addressing the notion of duration from complementary features. During each meeting, we will explore composite dimensions in cerebral and physical immersion in the concept of time and experience.

The event CEREBRATION – CONTEMPLATION – MEDIATION is the first part of the Triathlon curated and led by Fatos Ustek, a programme developed as a composite element of DURATION [26.07.2012 – 19.10.2012] curated by Rose Lejeune.

The event will explore phases and Stages of the production of the reception of Continuation as Event. The performative lecture will carry Out juxtapositions of Bergsonian Duration with Chaos Theory.

As part of A.P.T Gallery’s newly launched Curatorial Fellowship and supported by the Arts Council England, [26.07.2012 – 19.10.2012] looks at time and process as both material and curatorial concerns.

Changing and evolving over time, the exhibition is an entity without strict borders, comprised of installations and artworks, events and programmes, some that will remain for the entirety of the project, and others that will appear only briefly.

For further Information visit duration-apt-gallery.tumblr.com/”