Nowiswere Unpublished Issue #2

Expanding Nowiswere’s publishing practices to outside The Internet, The Unpublished Issue is an undocumented live event that enables the editors and contributors of Nowiswere to meet and engage face-to-face with each other and members of the general public. With each issue adapting to the changing environments in which they are held, they feature material and formats of live presentation that cannot be published within the magazine or on the website itself. The Unpublished Issue is developed in conceptual proximity to Nowiswere’s editorial practice, inviting artists, writers and curators to articulate an immediate stance of their current notions of ‘the now’.

17.09.2011 @ Hamursuz Firini, Karakoy, Istanbul

Unpublished Issue #2 features the following live contributions:
Rapid Eye Movement / The Persons by poet and writer Peter Jaeger;
Fringe / Fransen, 2011 by Veronika Hauer (performance / text) and Rudolf Steckholzer (photographs);
Beyond The Secrets: Behold The Mysteries! by critic and writer Jan Verwoert;
The Museum of Non-Participation, a lecture intervention by Karen Mirza and Brad Butler that consists of narration, texts, slides and video from the museum’s collection.

commissioned by GaleriNON, Istanbul

With special thanks to Tansa Mermerci, Jorg Mohaupt and Edwina Özyeğin.