Commissioned Text for Ozlem Gunyol and Mustafa Kunt’s exhibition catalogue.
” This seemingly complicated title aims to convey insight towards the artistic practice of Özlem Günyol and Mustafa Kunt. Collaborating for more than a decade, this artistic duo has been engaged in an in-depth investigation of grand narratives. Aiming to understand the world at large through elucidating the components of what makes the contemporary individual, Günyol and Kunt portray the forces that are at play. Unlike a scientist or a social theorist, they have been following indirect lines of thought, experimenting with the potential of something manifested as something else that still contains the information of the former in its full capacity. They have been employing a variety of methods in the course of the transformative processes. The procedures of codification, juxtaposition, translation, and classification emerge as subtexts to the outcomes of their practice. Instead of solely concentrating on the visual as their domain of investigation, they depict the sensorial, extending towards the aural and tactual stimulations. In the course of sonic entries, they not only include the sounds and voices, but also address the field of language as an asset to aesthetic experience. Günyol and Kunt investigate the relationship between symbols and concepts and their role in the formation of ontologies (of a person, a society, a culture); moreover they concentrate on the object as the conveyer of intrinsic meaning while aspiring to possibilities beyond.
Diese Publikation wurde als 131. Katalog von der Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung im Rahmen des Förderpreises „Kataloge für junge Künstler“ gefördert.
This publication was supported as Catalogue No. 131 by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung under its support prize “Catalogues for Young Artists”.
Gesamtherstellung / Printing and Binding
DruckVerlag Kettler GmbH, Bönen
Erschienen bei / Published by
Verlag Kettler, Dortmund
ISBN 978-3-86206-392-5
Herausgeber / Editor
Park der Partnerstädte 2, 44137 Dortmund,
Redaktion / Editor
Sandra Dichtl, Linda Schröer
Texte / Texts
Sandra Dichtl
Hannah Magauer
Fatoş Üstek
Übersetzung / Translation
Christopher Jenkin-Jones
Dr. Jeremy Gaines
Lektorat / Copy Editor
Deutsch / German
Olaf Sailer
Englisch / English
Courtney Thornton
Dr. Jeremy Gaines
Gestaltung / Design
Selçuk Kunt & die Künstler / the artists